News and Events                   

7th October: Another Harvest, another performance by the Asparagus Singers! The Fulbeck Harvest Supper was entertained (in one form or another) by the singers giving a short programme with a large date range going from a madrigal by Thomas Ford written in the early 1600's to Fields of Gold by Sting written sometime after he left the Police. Food, wine and song celebrating yet another successful harvest (or so I'm told by this farmer chap I met in the pub!)

17th December: Well we got away with it agains without a single bottle or glass being thrown at us! The now traditional pre-Christmas performance in the Hare & Hounds seemed to go well with the singers producing a few new and a few favourite carols and the evening really took off when the patrons joined in with the all time classics. I think it's fair to say it was a good evening all round and a healthy donation was made to the Linc Notts Air Ambulance thanks to the generousity of the drinkers.

22nd March: The Asparagus Singers get all competitive - ready to knock the socks off all comers!  We were pleased to participate in the inaugural Choir Day of the Wolfit Festival of Music, Drama and Verse Speaking; in Newark. This was the first year that the Festival, which has been running since 1998, has invited choirs to participate. Being the first year it became more of a celebration of choral singing rather than a competition but we were delighted to be part of the event which was an excellent opportunity to see other choirs of differing format and get pertinent and knowledgeable feedback on our performance.

27th March: we're pleased to announce the addition of a new member of the choir - definitely a tenor - although more of a counter-tenor at the moment. Well done Kate and Mark on the birth of Henry George! We expect to see him at rehearsal as soon as he can toddle along.